
Delusion powerful folk Every day sets the table for another untruth, unstable. The battles of trust Winning hearts and minds a must. A world of confusion Giving into delusions Trust never given nor earned. Taken, surrendered, we burn. Little pig to death, blown away like dust meant for an urn. A gust of hot hair telling the lust of the big bad wolf of authority taking everyone’s sense of peace and serenity. Tell your truth Today it’s no sooth. Pundits, politicians on the TV Turn us against each other. Let me be me. They spin webs of lies, Wake up, 1984, Lord of the Flies. There’s no monster, your dreaming Go to sleep little boy, it’s nothing. Deep fakes, obscuring facts, All integrity under attack, Psychosis? Load of smack. And then religion tells me God will smite me if I eat a Big Mac. At least that’s how it
  Ope a Personal Pharoah by Zachary LG Feld Your own personal Egypt, Everyone a story to decrypt. Baggage picked up at the claim, Do not unpack we all exclaim. Only to be revisited by the brave inquisitive. Remembrance a must of our trials so unjust. But if we continue to remember from then to forever do we ever leave those stories we grieve? Only if we paint it with victory do we escape the misery. We say we survived with liberty, For now, to eternity. A pesach to remember it by. Tell the story to the passerby, “We should eat and be happy!” we cry. But to those left in Egypt undergoing trials still, we equip them with stories of hope. Let’s just say if we get though this, that’d be dope, and without too many Midwestern opes, even if we don’t follow the Pope. Really you could be anywhere, that line merely homage to a US carreau de terre where Jews aren’t so many; this message can still able to be applied to the plenty. So stand in solidarity for you,

Gender Politics and Other Demons

Struggles of Gender   Classical Modern Postmodern Feminist Woman vs Male Aggressors Women vs Government Womyn versus Gender Identity Neutral Humanity vs Nature Humanity vs its Institutions Humanity vs Meaning Masculinist Man vs Man Men vs Divorce Court and their Wives Men vs All Women I feel the above are typical gender struggles and whatnot. I think people cease to identify with the -isms when they feel comfortable in the world and the struggle stops. I also believe that when people are comfortable with one another they stop name calling and identifying others with ideology, isms, and other name calling (Looking at Trump). People only truly see each other when they shed the notions of ideology baggage and listen to what the other is truly saying and where they're coming from. The ideologies p
Working on a psychological gestalt based on the fight/flight thing everyone knows.

Lights Out

  Sometimes God puts our lights out with intention and good purpose. Like a Havdallah ceremony to signify the beginning of work. The lit candle is sacred and shouldn't always be burned all at once. When you're feeling life has got you down, don't give up hope. Too much light and one can't appreciate the smaller flames. Sometimes one fire can put out another by consuming all of the oxygen. That's why people dim their lights for others: so people can survive together. Don't burn too bright. Just bright enough. Not too mention sleep and rest can be important. Don't burn too much midnight oil. Without rest, one can't appreciate the day. Life's disappointments allow us to fully appreciate the good times through feelings of release. Some people are also just fart scented candles and just good for a laugh or clearing a room. Some people like sage -a lot of people- so that's not going to clear the room entirely.

What is judgement?

  As a schizophrenic I struggle with feelings of being judged.   Paranoia is a ball of fears. Judgement is communication of values.  Sometimes it involves a lesson. Sometimes hard lessons, but someone can be judged positively too. Can judgement truly exist in absence of communication? Random thoughts that got me to this. From Juris “of law” Definition: Juris (joor-is) is a Latin word that means "of law" or "of right." It is often used in legal contexts to describe different types of law. From Diction noun 1. the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing. 2. the style of enunciation in speaking or singing. Prudence noun 1.the quality of being prudent; cautiousness. Jurisdiction noun 1. the official power to make legal decisions and judgments. When I googled jurisprudence in simple words it said: The word jurisprudence derives from the Latin term juris prudentia, which means " the study, knowledge,